On 22nd April Sustainable Merton hosted its annual Big Dig celebrations at Phipps Bridge Community Garden.
We were joined by 13 local volunteers who came along to get their hands dirty, enjoy the great outdoors and spend time with like-minded people within their community.
The day was very productive and our volunteers got an impressive amount of work done!
We dug and cleared the weeds from the area where we’re going to grow runner beans. We also cleared out the broccoli plants which have been feeding the Community Garden volunteers for the past 6 weeks and are now going to seed.
Perhaps the most challenging task was clearing a plot for a proposed project with our Woodcraft Folk and Colliers Wood Residents Association partners to do some gardening as part of a Heritage Lottery Funded project.
The youngsters and their families want to learn about what people ate during the last war and collect oral histories as well as doing some hands-on gardening with us. The plot lay fallow last year and was covered with weeds, but thanks to the hard-working team we managed to dig it all over.
“Everyone was welcoming and very friendly. The allotments are a great place to escape from the city. I enjoyed chatting with everyone whilst digging and pulling weeds from one of the plots. At the end of the day, I felt I had done something really worthwhile.” - Isabelle, Community Champion
