All classes saved electricity by switching off their Interactive Whiteboards for the whole day during Switch Off Fortnight.
Teachers found different ways to plan and deliver their lessons, using flipcharts and objects instead of electronic resources.
Here’s what the children said about Switch Off Fortnight…
We did our show and share assembly without the Interactive Whiteboard. We tried to turn the lights off too. In assembly me and Florence said, “It is Switch Off Day.”
- Rory
Switch Off Fortnight is a good idea – it saves energy.
- Leah
It raises awareness of how much electricity we use.
– Flora
Dundonald’s Eco-Warriors have also been monitoring who is saving the most energy by looking at which classes are remembering to close doors and windows, switch off lights and electrical appliances and making sure computers and monitors are not left on standby for long periods.
We love switching off!
Helena Vokos
Eco Leader, Dundonald Primary School