'Tis the season we overload the trolley... and our environment pays the price.
According to Unilever figures, over four million Christmas dinners are thrown away every year! That’s equivalent to 263,000 turkeys, 7.5 million mince pies, 740,000 portions of Christmas pudding and 11.3 million roast potatoes. If sent to landfill, this avoidable waste will decompose, releasing methane - a potent greenhouse gas.
Whilst we enjoy the festivities and tempting treats, it's important that we remember to reduce the amount of food waste we produce, and recycle any unavoidable waste - such as bones and peelings, which can be turned into energy to power our cosy Christmas homes.
With £64 million wasted on uneaten Christmas food every year, our pockets will be feeling merry too!
Don't have a food waste caddy? Or in need of a new one?
Order yours from Merton Council to start recycling today!
Want to waste less this year? Sustainable Merton trustee Juliet shares her top tips on how to make the most of your turkey and trimmings...
"Turkey can be an economical purchase if waste is avoided. One turkey can provide meals for many people and the leftovers can be the basis of several more meals in the post-Christmas period. Cold turkey on Boxing Day is delicious with any sort of hot vegetables or cold salads, such as coleslaw (try red cabbage instead of white for an interesting twist).
The remaining meat can be stripped from the bones and used to make turkey curry, turkey risotto, fricassee or other casserole. Finally boil up the bones to make turkey stock which can be the basis for a variety of soups. Leftover vegetables can be used in the soup.
Ham can be used in many of the same ways as turkey and leftover roast potatoes and Brussel sprouts can be turned into bubble and squeak."
Find out more - sustainablemerton.org/waste-warriors