On 2nd March, Zéro, the new zero waste shop opened its doors in Merton Abbey Mills. It was my first experience at a zero waste shop and didn’t quite know what to expect other than to bring my own containers. I was pleasantly surprised.
Zéro offers a good selection of flours, grains, pasta, pulses, spices and dried herbs. They offer refills for dishwashing liquid, fabric conditioner and detergent. Other cool things available are paper wrapped toilet roles, bamboo tooth brushes, solid toothpaste and deodorants. At this stage, they are taking suggestions for anything you might be missing.
For anything priced by weight, they weigh your containers before you fill them and then again after. You only pay for the contents. They also have a few jars in case you forget your own container. I bought a jar of brown sugar and a small jar of chocolate covered raisins which only set me back by £1.22 in total. What a great deal!
I really love the concept and now that we have one just around the corner there is a real incentive to reduce waste by shopping here. I will definitely visit soon again!
Community Champion
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