Due to unexpected events – dehydration and an impending storm, the Ripple Effect team decided to bring to an end their row. Not an easy decision but one that was right for the team.
What an amazing effort, and what inspiration and determination the team have shown to end plastic pollution and defend our Blue Planet for the next generation! We at Sustainable Merton are hugely proud of the team and what they have achieved. This isn’t a fail but a win for the human spirit and a win for the greater good!
Our thoughts are with Emma and the team and we hope you will all show your support for them at this time. Please see the team’s official statement below:
To all of our supporters,
You may be aware that our attempt to break the world record rowing across the Pacific has come to an end.
Unfortunately one of the crew suffered from dehydration and decided she was no longer willing to continue with the race. Given the size of the boat and impending storm there was no safe way for the remaining crew to compete as a three.
It is an incredibly difficult time for us all so we ask you to give us a few weeks to recover.
We would like to thank you for your support and assure you that we will be following up with further social media and updates, as well as progressing with our post-race plans as hoped.
Arguably a tough failed crossing has taught us more than a calm successful one would ever have done.
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to being in touch in the next few weeks.
Best wishes,
Emma, Eliza, Mariana and Anna
Ripple Effect