Hyper Project
During Spring/Summer 2017, Sustainable Merton partnered with Colliers Wood Residents Association, The Association for Polish Families and Wimbledon Woodcraft Folk to deliver the Hyper project.
Hyper (Heritage,Young Persons & Elderly Residents) was a 12 month calendar of events supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
It's purpose is to enable young people to explore first hand the lives and stories of those children who were evacuated from the local area of Colliers Wood in South West London as part of Operation Pied Piper in 1939.
Sustainable Merton offered gardening sessions at Phipps Bridge Community Garden to give local families first hand experience of how people used to feed themselves during the Second World War.
Seven families gave over 100 hours of their time to dig, weed, water, pick and enjoy organic fruit and vegetables at Phipps Bridge Community Garden. Young volunteers from Mitcham Shine project and the Duke of Edinburgh Award did a mighty job too!
We are so grateful for the input of all of our volunteers and hope they enjoyed the harvest they reaped!