Save energy, save money
The UK’s homes are some of the least energy efficient in Europe – losing heat from their doors, walls and windows. At the same time, people are struggling to pay their energy bills and keep their homes warm.​
Energy used to heat and power buildings in Merton makes up around 81% of the borough's greenhouse gas emissions. In order to be net-zero carbon, by 2050, all buildings must be highly energy efficient to reduce the amount of energy used.​
We want to see Merton's energy consumption reduced. We aim to do this by encouraging energy-saving behaviours and raising awareness of low carbon energy solutions. Using less energy saves money and increased use of renewable sources and taking measures to retrofit will enable the step change required to reduce our reliance on traditional energy sources.

Download our Energy Saving Handbook
Written by Sustainable Merton’s Community Champions, our sustainability handbooks are your step-by-step guide to making simple changes that will help the planet, save you money, improve your wellbeing, and connect you to your community. These locally-focused handbooks are written with you, Merton residents, in mind so you will find lots of shout outs to local businesses, organisations, and spaces.
Our Energy Saving Handbook contains a wide range of steps you can take to reduce your energy consumption at home and save £££! Learn about everything from saving money on your water bill to advice on larger purchases like heat pumps and solar panels to ethical investing. Download it and share it with your friends, family, and community.
More energy advice & information
london power
The Mayor of London has partnered with Octopus Energy to launch a new green energy company offering fair prices and 100% renewable electricity.
London Power aims to tackle issues of fuel poverty and clean energy, providing affordable electricity from renewable sources like the sun and the wind.
Energy and the climate crisis
The burning of non-renewable fossil fuels – coal, oil, and gas – for energy produces carbon dioxide (CO2), along with other greenhouse gasses such as methane. Dangerous levels of these greenhouse gases are building up in our atmosphere, where they act to trap the sun’s heat, causing a rise in the Earth’s temperature - known as global warming.
The rising temperature is leading to wider changes to our weather, ​rising sea levels, acidification of our oceans, loss of biodiversity, declining glaciers and sea ice​, and slowing of increases to crop productivity.
At least 80% of all proven global fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground to meet the Paris Agreement goals and limit global warming to a target of 1.5 degrees. Our future must see almost all of our electricity generated from climate-friendly, renewable sources - wind, wave and sun.​ Change is happening... Friends of the Earth report that in the 6 years from 2010 to 2016, renewable electricity production increased from 7% to 25%.
I am concerned about climate change and feel that urgent action needs to be taken at every level. But I am also optimistic that people will enjoy engaging with the issue and will enjoy working collaboratively to address the problem.
I am passionate about spreading awareness about taking personal responsibility for climate change, by teaching people how they can lead lower carbon lives.
Ben - Community Champion